Month: June 2008

  • First night in the new place and so far so good. I'm still trying to get things settled, but the important stuff like setting up the Xbox and putting away the booze is all done.

    I have a little bit to clean up at the old place, but aside from that, today should be smooth sailing. We're going out tonight so I'm sure I'll have a lovely hangover to nurse tomorrow morning while embarking on my 20 hour journey back to LA. Joy.

    Feeling good...feeling...hungry. =)

  • Moved Out/In. Good times. Tomorrow should be fun - got a big date! Then it's time to trudge my way home.

  • Done. =)

    I feel great.

    It is truly a lucky day - wore my lucky greens - so it has to be true! I didn't completely bomb the test, I found out that I passed the last of my farm reports, my program passed testing, AND I was lucky enough to get to Andrew first so we may have a bitch to spay for our prac in October!!!!  AWESOME.

    Now, just watching Enchanted and gonna clean/pack etc. etc.

    Go lucky greens. =)

  • I am soooooooo fucked for this test. Oh well.

  • Finally got some sleep but had intense dreams all night. One with me, my sister, and my dad being frustrated with something my mom where I watched a strange arena game involving hockey sticks and roller skates...which lead to trying to climb out of some hole or pit while hiking - chouchou was at the top, she hasn't shown up in a dream in at least a year...I think that was it. But damn it was enough. I was in a cold sweat all night, it was pretty bad.

    I think the stress is finally getting to me. After my sleepless night, and my 3 hour nap, I woke up in the morning to find that I couldn't open my mouth more than an inch. My jaw, is really sore and it was hard to eat yesterday. I think I clenched my jaw all day on Sunday and probably all night as well. Stress.

    I have to be productive today. I can't wait for this all to be over. Almost there.

  • Last night was super weird, I couldn't sleep. My brain kept racing, and I ended up staying up til 6am. I only slept 3 hours and have been up and about ever since. I got a lot of stuff packed up and carted over it over to Abby's, but study whatsoever.

    I'm glad the move is going so quickly. Heather was really nice, and I thought I'd have to pay for another week since it's a 3 week notice policy, but nope! I also canceled the phone, internet, and notified the power company so I just need to move my crap and clean this place up and we're straight! All up, moving now instead of after the break is going to save me $375. I'd say it's worth the scramble - as long as I don't do piss poor on the sheep test. Over the next year and a half, moving will save me about 300NZD a month from what I was shelling out before. Possibly even more since I won't pay full utilities when I'm not there. So yay. Good to know that I'm doing what I can to dig my ass outta debt. I can't wait to get a real paycheck again.

    Gonna have a quick dinner and call it an early night. Real early since it's only 545 right now. I have a lot of ground to cover for the exam tomorrow. All I can hope is that everyone else is in the same boat I am.

    4.5 days til takeoff.

  • Clin Path test over. Not sure how well or not well it went...guess we'll see eventually. Really tired now...still have another test to get through, but only thing I can think about is moving. Not that I want to move out...just that I want to get it over with. If it's not moving, it's Mark. I'm not a very complicated girl.

    Still in the middle of dinner. Made a huge batch of veggie soup cuz I gained 5 pounds this year; feeling mega fat. It's not fair, 5 pounds on someone with a normal frame would be next to nothing, but of course I have to be a friggin midget. Sigh. Beth says it's tragic - we've got the same number of taste buds, but being so tall lets her get away with gaining 15 before things get iffy. No fair.

    Pretty low energy - I think the test really wiped me. I stayed the whole 3 hours, and struggled to even finish. I still had 1.5 essays to write when they gave the 15 min. warning. Whoops. Just gonna putter for a little while longer and then get some sleep. It's gonna be a hectic 5 days - one last final exam, moving outta my place, throwing a joint birthday bash, and my big date with Elly - yikes!

  • Having an early start. Feels like it's going to be a productive day! Perhaps its only out of necessity, but does it matter as long is it gets done?

    Was looking at FT and found it curious that the Mark that does all the posting doesn't feel like my Mark. They are one in the same, but for whatever reason I've split them into two. Perhaps it's because I'm just not familiar with the more public persona; I've never witnessed it first hand just as he's never seen mine. Perhaps it's because I'd rather not believe that I have to learn about what he's doing through a blog instead of actually talking. For all I know, my Mark is roaming the mountains of Tibet, and this is just some guy covering events at a festival - no relation.

    In any case, it's probably better this way. It impersonalizes the derth of communication so my sanity stays intact. I am pretty happy about how it's going. Two days in and no hint of any sort of emotional anguish; it's like a miracle! Just miss him a bit, but it's not bad, it's actually easier than usual. Go figure.

    Random gripe, but was going through CALVE looking at some of the anatomy and physiology lectures and those damn kids got it so much easier! Not only are the notes and lectures better, some of the harder ones (e.g. neurophysiology) have an audio recording of the lecture! Jealous! Ah well, what's done is done.

    Gonna shower, eat, study, buy groceries, cook, eat, study, lather, rinse, repeat. Only two tests to go!

  • Haven't done shit today. Just not feelin' it in terms of study. I'm sure tomorrow will be the very least, I'm sure Monday morning before the test will be a bit of a scramble.

    Have been thinking about how much stuff I've acquired over my few years here...not much, but enough to be annoying to move. Early on, I bought a lot of things that I thought I needed...and am now realizing how they were really just impulse buys. They're mostly domestic type items that went toward a 'vision' I had about what my space would feel/look like... It's part practical, part creativity at play...but mostly just me buying just to buy. To be fair they were all purchases made the beginning of second year when I was trying to give things a fair go and plant myself - there was a real risk of me just packing up and going back Stateside, but I had to try. Still, I put myself back into my shoes of a few years ago and realize how much things have changed...and now, gear myself up to get rid of it all.

  • So that's it. I'm old. I've passed out of my 'mid twenties' into the grey zone before my 'late twenties'. Where did the time go? Got a lot of well-wishes and a number of cupcakes over the 2.5 day span. It's nice, but I think just one day is enough.

    The cow test was alright, just a bit annoying. 90 minutes of scrambling to write for something only worth 15%.  I still stand by my opinion that these midterms are only a way to remind us that we have covered a lot of stuff and that we can't afford to slack - especially not next semester.

    Money stuffs are back in focus and I told A&S that I'd like to move in...I think I'd actually want to move in sooner rather than later, but I'm lazy and we're still in the middle of exams.  I can wait a month. I'm just impatient. Talked to the 'rents last night as well. They keep asking me about whether or not I'll be covered for school and I'm always at a loss about what to say.  "Uh, no, but I don't want your help?" What's worse - being in debt or feeling indebted to your parents? I hate the feeling of having mommy and daddy bail me out because I can't handle my own shit; they have their own lives to worry about - they've done their job, and I will be fine. At the same time, I encourage my sister to take what they're willing to give - after all, they are offering, why not take them up on it? I dunno. Too many things to think about, and the more I think the more frustrated I feel.

    So - time to start another exciting day. I've been kicked out of Elly's place and am back in my own space. It feels good to be back...good, but damn cold. Gonna shower, clean, and break into the study for Clinical Pathology. It's a doozie and a real final; one I really need to pass or else forever be Elly's dumb friend who failed her class

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