January 13, 2009

  • I'm getting laid off.

    I found out yesterday when George "had to talk to me".

    My gut reaction was actually one of joy. I have been toying with the idea for so long, but never had the guts to do it because the pay was so good. Well, that decision has been taken out of my hands and I'm grateful.

    It's strange...there's something happening; I can feel it. It's an energy that's charged with change and it's sort of guiding our lives right now. I feel like it's a new beginning...like the start of something great. It's exciting. It's nice...it's hope?

    Mark is still out of work, but has decided to do an internet detox. I think it'll be really really good for him...it will be interesting to see how he fares and what will burble up to fill the void. I'm hoping it'll be just what he needs to sort through everything in his head. Anything can happen.

    So now that we'll both be out of work, the money situation is just that much worse off...and I have to get a loan. I'm still not very happy about it. I guess it still feels like the burden of finding enough money to live and pay for school...and eventually repay that loan...is my sole responsibility. Even though I know it's not, it still feels that way.

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