Month: September 2008

  • So, it's basically all done.

    Mark's here, internet has been installed, and another week is coming to a close. Money problems are letting up a little; current USD/NZD rate is around 65cents, and I've been given a new project to work on that will finish me out til the end of the year and into next.

    It's finally coming together and will hopefully settle down for a little while because school is getting more and more chaotic by the day.

  • Ok...let's see. Weekend was fine. Did more house stuff and hung out with Elly - who looks ripe and ready to pop any day now. As of today, the internet is still not working, but aside from that, house stuff is pretty much done. Bought a midget dresser for 20 bucks off of trademe, which leaves me with 17.80NZD to my name right now. It's a little sad, but eh, that's life I guess. The place is really cozy and I wanted to show Mark before he got here...but again, no internet, so no luck...

    It all feels really stressful...between the move, lack of internet, lack of money, and the abundance of school work that I haven't kept on top of... sigh. It's just tough. I'm sure everything will come together soon enough...

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