Month: November 2008

  • I can't sleep. I've been up since 5am tossing and turning, but finally decided to get up.

    The past few days were spent at Charlie's and I don't know what it is, but my heart's just not in it. It just feels like work. I don't know...I keep waiting for the day my head will finally be on straight, but it feels like I catch a glimpse and then it's gone again; so melodramatic, I know.

    The clinic work itself is alright. The fact that I know so little is really humbling; you'd think I'd have learned stuff by now, but it's never enough. There have been a few interesting cases...mostly those grey inconclusive head-scratchers. There was a horse with a head tilt, a pomeranian with 2 broken forelegs - and finally a broken plate, and a number of other ones which I can't recall. A lot of time this week was spent at the greyhound track...which is normally far from "real" work. One thing does stick out in my mind...a greyhound euth that I did. It was the waggliest dog...really excitable and wagged its tail and wiggled to the very end when it fell of the end of the needle. Wagging one second, black bagged the next. It was such a contrast...and I was the one responsible for that transition.

    Just two more days in the clinic and then the weekend. Two days...

  • It's been less than a week since the end of finals, but it feels like it was decades away. I guess we're programmed to move on and to forget easily.

    Since then, I've done mostly nothing...clean the house, play video games, cook, and run errands...ok, that is something. Lots of stuff. Vacation is always busy, but at least not as busy as taking finals. I don't start up again until next week at Charlie's. I know it's the easy way out, but whatever.

    I have to get a bunch of work-work done today...been slacking off on that too much. It'll be good to get that out of my hair; considering it's due real real soon. =/

    Other than that, life is good.

  • 4 left. One tomorrow and the next day, two days "off" then one on Tuesday and finally Wednesday. Less than one week til they're all done.

    Just watched Obama's speech, hopeful, but wary. He's a smooth talker there's no doubt, but it's a long and hard road, I hope he can make good on his promises.

    Bummed about California's Prop 8. Really bummed.

  • Still alive...if just barely...stressful few days. No idea how they've gone, but I can only say that I'm tryin. 6 down, 5 to go.

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